It is essential to have a basic understanding of the science behind how the Emotion and Body Code techniques work to appreciate their true potential. We also need to see how elements of ancient Chinese medicine are woven into the system and fit neatly with the latest findings about quantum physics and the mysterious sub – atomic part of everything in the universe. We can then gain insight into how the mind-body connection operates and the concept of “mind over matter”.
How does the Emotion and Body Code fit in with “Medicine”?
Modern “allopathic”” medicine (also referred to as “western” or “conventional”) uses scientific and evidence-based approaches to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases and other health conditions. It relies heavily on specialist consultations, and intervention with pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines, and surgical remedies. It is an essential way for us to handle emergency situations, such as heart attacks, strokes, broken bones, burns and other injuries, childbirth and so on and we all benefit from that.
It is less effective when diagnosing chronic conditions and treating an array of symptoms that could be due to all manner of causes. They can be the result of emotional trauma, or physical imbalances or misalignments that have developed in the complex internal systems and circuitry of the body (such as digestive, respiratory, neurological, circulatory). Whereas allopathic medicine only treats the resulting symptoms without dealing with their origins, the underlying causes can be pinpointed and addressed directly using the decoding system of the Emotion and Body Code. Along with other energy healing modalities this falls into the category of “alternative” medical treatment.
Ancient Wisdom
Chinese medicine is a holistic approach that dates back thousands of years and remains integral to the traditional culture. It holds the belief that the body is interconnected with the natural environment (much like Native American or Aboriginal cultures) and must maintain a balance of energy known as “qi” (pronounced chee). Martial arts and exercise such as Tai Chi assist in keeping the mind and body’s energy in balance. It focuses on prevention of illness, wellbeing based on lifestyle and nutrition and natural herbal remedies. Acupuncture (and reflexology) works by tapping into the internal circuit boards and systems of the physical body to identify and correct imbalances. This method of working forms a part also of the Emotion and Body Code healing techniques and, as with some Indian spiritual beliefs and healing, the spirit body and chakra system play a part as well.
Quantum Physics in a Nutshell
Essentially, science has shown for our purposes here that everything – including ourselves – as the ancient civilisations knew intuitively – is made of a “source” energy vibrating at different frequencies. This “source” energy transmutes or changes form (like water changes into ice and steam) but cannot be created or destroyed – which is how “God”, or the “Creator” is described in spiritual terms.
We are all made of this same energy and connected to everybody and everything else that exists in the physical and non – physical (such as mental and emotional) realms. We are all “one” and connected due to what is called Quantum Entanglement at the smallest sub-atomic level. When a change occurs in one half of a pair of related particles the same change occurs in the partner even at a distance. This creates profound and mysterious effect that transcends traditional concepts of time and space! Quantum Mechanics is the term for use of mathematical formulae to confirm the theory.
Quantum Entanglement
Quantum Entanglement is what allows a trained practitioner to tap energetically into the frequencies of a client’s subconscious – even at a distance and over the internet – to decode and identify any trapped negative emotional energy and physical imbalances. It also allows for the practitioner to work on themselves as a “proxy” with clients at a distance and with another adult standing in as a “surrogate” for a client who is under 18 years old, or an animal such as a horse or domestic pet.
The subconscious mind keeps our mental and bodily functions running and knows everything that has happened with the mind and body since our conception. We are totally unaware of it as we use the conscious mind for our daily thoughts. Mental energies and emotions, as well as parts of the physical body, are all made up of this same electro-magnetic energy.
How Magnets aid Healing
Gently swiping magnets along the central meridian line of the body’s circuitry – as used in Chinese medicine – allows practitioners to draw out any unwanted energies from the client’s system. Releasing and rebalancing enables the mind and body to return to a natural state of homeostasis and heal itself. The power of belief is a key factor in how successful the sessions are for the client as where attention goes, the energy flows! For further reading I recommend the excellent books by Dr Bradley Nelson about his development of the Emotion Code and Body Code, available worldwide. Some of the other recent and highly regarded leaders in teaching about energy healing, and how mind over matter works, include the late pioneer Louise Hay, Dr David Hamilton in the UK, and Dr Joe Dispenza in USA. We will refer to some of their findings and advice in future updates!