A warm welcome back! Have you all enjoyed a pleasant Easter – Spring Break?
My news updates have been disrupted recently due to a technical issue that hopefully has now been resolved because it is time to spring forward! Not only have many of us moved our clocks to summertime / daylight saving hours, the unusual eclipse season between the end of March to early April opens a portal for energetic shifts and the healing effects can last for a few months. So, this is an excellent time to introduce you to the latest healing technique which enables us to address our faulty belief systems! Building on the concepts of the Emotion and Body Code we now have the Belief Code.
Mind-Body-Spirit Connection
First of all though, for new readers and to re-cap for others, we will take a look at the overall topic of the Mind – Body – Spirit connection and the amazing benefits of energy healing. The premise is that everything in the universe is energy and that includes all living things and our electro-magnetic human bodies. Quantum physics shows us how we are all connected at the sub-atomic level, and this confirms ancient wisdom teachings about healing.
Since the 1980s there have been giant leaps forward in developing energy healing techniques to identify and release our harmful emotional baggage, relieve pain, and restore our inner calm. I recommend looking at information available online about the pioneering work of Louise Hay, Dr Joe Dispenza, Dr Bruce Lipton, Dr David Hamilton among others, regarding the mental causes of physical imbalances. This has revolutionised the way in which we understand, and can work with, the Mind, Body and Spirit connection.
How Can We Work With Energy?
The healing modality I choose to work with is the Body Code created by Dr Bradley Nelson in USA and details of how this works is the subject of earlier newsletters that can still be accessed on my website. Essentially, by the practitioner connecting energetically to a client’s subconscious mind, and using a de-coding system, the root causes of emotional disturbance and physical misalignments can be uncovered and, simply and swiftly, released with the use of healing magnets.
I recommend reading previous posts on the website about what happens in a session. The Body Code does not diagnose conditions or replace any other medical treatment or advice. It does, however, help bring the mind and body back to a state of balance and harmony. The body (and, by extension, mind and spirit) will then be in the best possible state to allow its own natural healing. Mental and emotional energies are often the underlying cause of physical symptoms.
What is the Difference Between the Emotion, Body & Belief Code?
The Body Code investigates the six different areas where physical imbalances can occur. These are under the headings of toxins in the body (environmental, food additives etc) and pathogens (viruses, bacteria etc), nutrition and lifestyle (sleep, vitamins etc), structural misalignments (skeletal, soft tissue etc), blockages in circuits and systems (such as digestion, respiratory, organs and glands) and energy imbalances (including auras, chakras etc).
The energy sub – section of the Body Code dealing with our negative trapped emotions (which have not been properly processed) is called the Emotion Code and this can be used on its own in a stand-alone session for issues such as anxiety, depression, grief so on. It may also uncover and release an emotional “Heart Wall” preventing a person from living their best life.
The Belief Code is the latest addition to the Body Code and allows us to go even deeper and dismantle any faulty belief systems that can sabotage us throughout our lives. Usually, some energy clearing using the Emotion Code or Body Code will be needed before these deeply embedded belief systems show themselves and then a separate Belief Code session is likely to be offered .
The Emotion Code, Body Code and Belief Code all fit together and as you will see our mental and emotional energies, physical misalignments, plus any faulty beliefs can be intricately connected and entangled in a loop pattern (with beliefs causing situations that trigger the same emotions and issues that originally caused the faulty belief). A belief system is best illustrated by an analogy with a tree!
The Belief System Tree
If you imagine the roots of the tree are your faulty core beliefs (more often than not, these are instilled in you before the age of 7), then the soil around them is the environment of your early years. The trunk of the tree represents your limiting beliefs that grow up from the roots. The branches of the tree are the resulting negative programmes that play out in your life. The leaves on the tree are any associated negative emotions or other energetic imbalances associated with the belief system.
The approach to dismantling the faulty belief system is the same as taking down a tree. Using a similar testing and de-coding process to the Emotion and Body Code techniques, we first identify the negative programmes playing out as the branches, then by asking “why” they are there, we can identify the limiting beliefs of the trunk and the faulty core belief/s at the roots. Sometimes, there may also be a faulty core identity from the soil (your early environment).
Next, we decode any associated imbalances (emotional or physical). These are the leaves of the tree and are released first. Then like a tree surgeon, we can take down the branches and release the negative programmes, followed by the limiting beliefs of the trunk and the faulty core belief/s at the roots and any faulty core identity in the soil. Once everything has been dismantled, we clean and tidy up energetically and smooth and close the gap where your tree of beliefs stood. And hey presto – a new you!
I am looking forward to giving in-person talks and demonstrations of the Belief Code on the Costa Blanca over the coming weeks.
Until next time………